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Mining Companies
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Minera IRL Limited, together with its subsidiaries (collectively, “Minera IRL” or the “Company”), is a publically traded Latin American precious metals mining, mine development and mineral exploration company, focused primarily on gold. 
MMG Limited is a global resources company which explores, develops and mines base metal deposits around the world. We are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under Stock Code: 1208.
Monument Mining Limited ("Monument") is an established Canadian low cost gold producer that owns and operates the Selinsing Gold Mine, and has a portfolio of gold and other metals properties including the Mengapur Polymetallic Project in Malaysia.
The Mt. Milligan copper-gold project, located 155 km northwest of Prince George, and mid-way between the communities of Fort St. James and Mackenzie in central British Columbia, Canada.  The project received an Environmental Assessment (EA) Certificate in March 2009 and a Mines Act Permit from the province of British Columbia in...
In August 2011, Nyrstar successfully completed its acquisition of Breakwater Resources, the owner of the Myra Falls mine in Canada. There have been over 100 years of mineral exploration activity in central Vancouver Island and over four decades of active mining at Myra Falls.
The Nechalacho Rare Earth Elements Project, located primarily at Thor Lake, Northwest Territories, is Avalon's 100% owned flagship project and is recognized internationally for its exceptional wealth of heavy rare earth elements. To view the project Fact Sheet, click here.
North American Palladium (NAP) is an established PGM producer that has been operating its flagship Lac des Iles (LDI) mine in northern Ontario, Canada since 1993.  The Company’s vision is to become a low cost mid-tier precious metals producer with over 250,000 ounces in annual production.
Liberty Mines (T: LBE) is focused on the exploration, development and production of nickel and related base metals from its assets in Ontario, Canada. The Company trades on the TSX under the symbol LBE.
Orvana is a gold-copper producer with organic growth opportunities. Orvana owns and operates the El Valle-Boinás/Carlés gold-copper project in Northern Spain and the Don Mario Mine in eastern Bolivia, and is developing the Copperwood copper project in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, United States.  
PC Gold holds 100% ownership of a rare asset: Pickle Crow, one of Canada’s best known past producing gold mines, located in north western Ontario in a belt of rocks well known for its rich gold deposits.  Since assuming ownership in 2008, the company has delivered an array of positive exploration outcomes from Pickle Crow, both...